Sunday, March 20, 2011

Types of hair loss in men

Hair loss in men can a very worrying matter and can cause in any case, a time of fear and stress. In the past, balding was regarded as an unfortunate phenomenon. However, this perception has changed significantly over the years and today men sport with a clean shaven head is usually attractive and fashionable by most people.

The predominant form of hair loss is androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness can be seen in the majority of the male population. 80 Percent of which will inevitably last hair loss as they grow older. Medical experts proved that this State usually in men to 20 to 30 years begins and follows a typical pattern. A gradual thinning of hair at the temples, which is a progressively receding hairline and a slow denudation the scalp basically on in the Crown area, which eventually leads, a noticeably bald spot shows first. In the course of time, these two balding affected areas to a conventional U around to the back and sides meet of the head form.

This type of hair loss in men is caused by increased sensitivity to 5ex male hormones (androgens) in certain areas of the scalp, predominantly at the front and top. Male pattern baldness is determined genetically, which means that by the parents to pass can be. Although experts how can stop a great help in further hair loss a dermatologist and send the hair be lost. For years had some men how was offered the minoxidil lotion and the drug finasteride drug treatment.

Minoxidil was originally for the treatment of high blood pressure invented hair growth interesting side-effect but went to his being. Scientists then fabricate lotions with minoxidil specifically for the treatment of male pattern baldness. Patients with this treatment are also told to be careful of the side effects such as nausea, fainting, vomiting, swelling of the scalp and severe itching. Finasteride drug on the other hand are very efficient in hair growth in men only, this offers also side effects, often have to do something with 5exual calls such as erectile dysfunction, decreased 5ex drive including low libido, and the Testikular pain.

Hair loss in men is really a serious matter, and that you think vital in the treatment of such State to avoid terrible side effects, which may affect life and daily activities in any case.


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