Our hair consists of keratin and filaments in shallow cells are included. The filaments are long, mediation, which look like a long strand of hair. Hair growth and survival will come through three different stages, one after the other. The stages are anagen, catagen and telogen. Hair grows on every part of our body with the exception of the soles of the feet, palms of hands, lips and eyelids. In men, hair growth is much more women. The male hormone promotes testosterone or triggers hair growth. Women are generally less body hair, but some can have thrown much growth by hormonal imbalance.
Body hair may be a cause of embarrassment to women and they can use techniques such as grow, remove hair lotions use or shave. In men, but also adds their sex appeal. Today, however, men and women not much body hair, but the growth on the head are concerned. Everyone wants for healthy, shiny and voluminous hair, for you their appearance one adds ten fold. Balding or thin out or hair is dreaded by most of us, because it makes us look older and rejects US territory to a large extent. Factors such as genetics, hormonal imbalance, using blow dryers, hair styling gels and curl irons, unsuitable PH water for washing, see interfere aging with the normal cyclic process of hair growth leads to the loss of hair.
Home remedy triggers hair growth
1 Massage with warm oil, say hot coconut oil or almond oil give a good health to the scalp and lost hair can grow. It helps, the hair care natural moisture, and does away with problems such as inertia, drought and shed.
(2) You can cook Berry Indian goose together prepare tonic oil and coconut oil, a massage. This causes growth.
3. Indian gooseberry, rich in vitamin C, can be eaten raw. This is also hair well and improved his health.
4. A drink made from a mixture of lettuce and spinach juice promotes the growth of the hair.
5. Application of the beaten egg on scalp and leave it can improve for 30 minutes before shampooing, growth.
6. Application of a hair mask of Quark and leave it for 30 minutes before shampooing improves growth.
7. Application of the coconut milk to scalp and leave it for 30 minutes before shampooing is a treatment to the growth conducive.
8. A paste of pigeon pea and red gram can be applied to the scalp. This is a good home-made remedies for hair growth.
(9) A can apply the Indian gooseberry juice and juice of lemon, mixing to hair and scalp and leave it for 40 minutes before head wash. This causes hair growth.
10. A can soak fenugreek seeds overnight; Crushing in the morning to a fine paste hair on the scalp prepare them to be applied. This treatment if followed twice in the week. can lead to good hair growth.
11. A can apply to the scalp and hair onion juice and leave for 3 to 4 hours. This appeal encourages much hair growth.
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